In his normal life as Marcus Kane, he worked as an ice-cream man, seemingly taking joy in the delight he brought to children when they heard the tune of his truck. Sweet Tooth started out like any other family man with a few kids and a loving wife. RELATED: New Twisted Metal Game Leaked By Insiders Marcus Kane: The Origin of Sweet Tooth If the rumors about a new Twisted Metal are to be believed, then it follows that the next version of Sweet Tooth will be even more hungry for carnage. Each iteration and new concept has made the character darker and hungrier for carnage, culminating in 2012's Twisted Metal, where he seeks to find the one that got away.

As with all insane clowns, Sweet Tooth started out as a regular guy who gave in to his worst tendencies for the sake of his own satisfaction. Sweet Tooth, also known as Needles Kane and Marcus Kane, didn't start out as a murderous clown with a thirst for revenge. While the clown's name is has varied, his vehicle Sweet Tooth has stuck around.

That being said, he never seems to be happy with the destruction that lies at his feet, always seeking more in the next Twisted Metal tournament. Sweet Tooth is a simple individual, seeking to satiate himself through the joy he finds in death and chaos.

He's been in every game to date, whether he be a contestant or the one controlling the carnage from behind the scenes. Sweet Tooth is an insane killer clown that's become the face of the Twisted Metal series, with his clown mask and flaming head.